What should I do if my neck hurts?

Doctors perform diagnostic tests on patients with neck pain

There are many reasons for neck pain. Let's answer the question "What should I do if my neck hurts? "And recommend the best treatment.

Neck pain can cause serious discomfort to each of us. At the same time, the usual way of life is disrupted, and people are deprived of opportunities for daily work. He often has dizziness, tinnitus, and deterioration of his visual organs. The reasons for such violations can be very different. We will discuss them further.

What are the neck pains?

Neck pain may be temporary, will only cause mild discomfort to a person, or be more severe and disrupt the normal rhythm of life. Usually, patients will notice severe muscle spasms in this part of the body, accompanied by severe pain. It may be throbbing, painful, or tingling.

A woman worried about the sharp pain in the back of her neck

In this case, an increase in discomfort is observed during physical activity or when staying in one position for a long time. For these reasons, a person must rotate the entire body to prevent the neck load from increasing.

Therefore, neck pain can be divided into the following categories:

  • sharp. The duration does not exceed 10 days;
  • Chronic. Bother each other for a long time;
  • vertebrate. They occur when the cervical spine undergoes degenerative dystrophy changes, including spinal cord root compression and intervertebral disc injury;
  • Non-vertebral origin. They manifest themselves in the context of other negative factors, including inflammation and infection processes in the muscle area, lymph node and thyroid disease.

He has vertebral origin pain and discomfort is observed in the upper limbs, back of the head, shoulder joints and hand areas. In this case, loss of sensitivity, restricted movement and numbness in the limb area are thought to be the result of compression of the spinal cord roots. In addition, in these cases, patients will notice symptoms of acute pain syndrome, dizziness, and fainting in the head area, which indicate the presence of a herniated disc.

I need to see a specialist urgently because of acute pain, loss of sensitivity in the back of my head, tinnitus and dizziness.

Neurologist examines a patient with neck pain

Causes of neck pain

Before deciding what to do if your neck is injured, you should accurately diagnose the nature of the disease. In some cases, it may be difficult for a person to distinguish a sore throat from cervical discomfort, because the sensation may be strong and related to pain throughout the neck. If the patient feels fever or sore throat at the same time, this may indicate a viral infection, including: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, ARVI, etc. In addition, similar symptoms can occur in the following situations:

  • Insufficient vitamin intake;
  • In the case of foreign objects in the throat area;
  • Increased cortisol synthesis in the adrenal cortex;
  • Pathological tumors in the throat;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

However, under normal circumstances, patients are able to distinguish diseases in the throat area from neck pain, which can be located on the front, back, and sides of the neck.

Patients with pain in the front of the neck

Causes of pain in the front of the neck

An uncomfortable appearance on the front of the neck or under the chin can be observed under the following background:

  • Inflammation of muscle areas related to nerves and ligaments;
  • Pathological processes of the thyroid;
  • Acute myocardial insufficiency;
  • In the presence of abscesses and cystic structures;
  • Destructive process in the lymph node area.

It should be noted that the factors that cause pain in this part of the body are difficult to determine. In this case, it is best to make an appointment with an experienced expert to accurately diagnose the disease.

It should be noted that when nerve roots are compressed and there are pathological changes in the intervertebral disc, discomfort in the front of the neck may occur.

Causes of pain behind the neck

One of the frequently asked questions by modern people is this: "What should I do if my neck hurts from the back? " In fact, lack of physical activity, prolonged use of the computer, addiction, and reluctance to practice a healthy lifestyle-all of which can lead to vertebrae. Pathological changes appear, causing neck pain.

Herniated disc is the cause of neck pain

Therefore, if your neck is injured from the back and you do not know how to deal with unpleasant performance, we first recommend that you contact an experienced spine specialist or technician. In fact, the above signs most often indicate severe spinal disease, including:

  • Osteochondrosis. It is characterized by degenerative dystrophy of the intervertebral disc area, as well as their decreased strength and height;
  • protrude. We are talking about a herniated disc, which increases the possibility of clamping arteries and nerve roots;
  • Herniated disc. Without timely treatment, the nucleus pulposus will enlarge and penetrate into the spinal canal. In this case, the spinal cord and nerve roots are compressed. In the later stages, the contents of the intervertebral disc can separate along the spinal canal and "float freely". In turn, this can lead to a complete lack of movement in the spine;
  • Spondylopathy. We are talking about a disease in which pathological bone growth occurs in extreme parts of the vertebrae. In this case, the intervertebral disc will flatten, gradually causing the pathological connection of the nearby vertebrae and the reduction of neck movement;
  • Myofascial syndrome. A pathological process characterized by spasms in muscle tissues, and therefore acute pain syndrome during exercise;
  • Compression fracture. This process occurs in the vertebral area of the elderly. It is manifested as the result of whipping or osteoporosis, posing a serious danger to the human body;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis. It is accompanied by pathological fusion of the vertebrae, damage to all joints and a complete reduction in motor activity.

In rare cases, pain in the back of the neck occurs against the background of osteomyelitis or spinal tuberculosis.

Cholesterol deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels causing neck pain

What is the cause of the pain on one side of the neck?

Usually, the pain on the side of the neck is throbbing or tingling. In addition, the pain can radiate to the ears or shoulder joints, which usually causes the neck to bend toward the diseased area. A similar situation occurs when the following diseases are present:

  • Vascular disease, including the deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels;
  • Muscle cramps, manifested by excessive neck pressure, exposure to heat, or sharp changes in head position;
  • Malignant formation in the larynx, pharynx, or thyroid.

Neck pain diagnosis

Therefore, if you want to know what to do with neck pain, you must first find out the cause. The most common cause of discomfort is the pathological process of the cervical spine. This is why it is recommended to see a chiropractor, neurologist or manual expert when the first unpleasant symptoms appear.

Cervical MRI is the best way to diagnose neck pain

After listening to the patient's request and taking necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor will give clear recommendations for further treatment. Not only can you figure out what to do if your shoulder and neck are injured, but you can also find out the cause of the discomfort.

However, it is the pathological changes of the spine that most often cause the onset of the above-mentioned diseases. In fact, even minor lesions in the spine area can cause obstacles to the transmission of nerve signals from the spinal cord to the internal system of the body.

This is because every part of the spinal cord controls the work of an organ. If the cervical spine, neck and shoulder muscles, ear, nose, and throat organs and thyroid glands have any disease glands, they will be affected. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the degree of disease progression.

Therefore, if you have pain in the back of your head and neck, you should make a comprehensive diagnosis before looking for a way out. During this process, the following activities were carried out:

  • Take blood tests;
  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid, cervical blood vessels and salivary glands;
  • Perform blood tests to determine if thyroid hormones are present;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine;
  • Provides electromyography;
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance
  • CT.

In this case, the most informative diagnostic method is MRI. During this process, the state of the intervertebral disc can be analyzed in detail, the state of the blood supply organs can be studied, and the symptoms of compression of the spinal cord root can be identified. Due to this method, the existence of a specific disease can be judged in advance at the initial stage of development, which significantly improves the effectiveness of future treatment measures.

Neck pain treatment

To understand what to do if there is pain on the left, front, or back of the neck, various aspects should be considered, including the intensity of the pain syndrome, the severity of existing changes, the existence of chronic diseases, and the corresponding expert opinions. In addition, different treatment measures can be recommended to patients with the same type of disease, because in this case, the age factor and the individual characteristics of the organism are both taken into consideration.

However, even if a person has severe back and neck pain, there is no specific way to correct the condition. The recommended treatments are always complex in nature, aiming to eliminate the negative manifestations of the disease and combat its cause.

The key components of the treatment provided include:

  • Drug use;
  • Manual processing
  • Bone disease;
  • Massage procedure
  • Use of physical therapy methods;
  • Visit a rehabilitation expert.

In addition, when a pathological process is detected in the cervical spine area, the patient needs to correct their usual lifestyle. For example, encourage office workers and drivers to take regular physical exercises and change their body postures more frequently during the working day.

You should also enrich your diet with healthy foods. This will make it possible to speed up the body's recovery process.

Medications for neck pain

The nature of prescription drugs depends on the diagnosis and the existence of chronic diseases. Below we have listed the drug list that most patients recommend to use when diagnosing such diseases:

Medications for neck pain
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have a powerful anesthetic effect and relieve inflammation;
  • Corticosteroids. Help cope with inflammation when non-steroidal drugs are ineffective;
  • Using drugs that eliminate muscle cramps can significantly reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome;
  • A group of drugs whose main ingredient is glycosaminoglycan (chondrprotectant). Promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue and improve efficiency in the early stages of spinal diseases;
  • Vitamin D. Promote the recovery of brain function and improve the condition of the skeletal system;
  • Group B vitamins. Allows to improve the transmission of impulses from the spinal cord to the internal system and normalize their normal functions;
  • Antibacterial drugs, antihypertensive drugs, hormone drugs, etc.

If there is obvious intensity of pain, inject the solution into the nerve ending area of the neck, which contains anesthetics and corticosteroids. However, in the process of implementing the blockade, there is the possibility of nerve damage and infection, which requires a high degree of professional training by experts.

Palliative care for neck pain

Manual neck treatment

One of the most effective ways to eliminate neck pain and what causes them is manual therapy. The method is based on direct effects on the spine and nearby tissues. The main difference between this procedure and therapeutic massage is that not only the neck and back muscles can be exercised, but the spine can also be exercised.

Through manual treatment performed by qualified experts, the patient's condition can be significantly improved after the first operation. It is possible to obtain a therapeutic effect due to the following reasons:

  • Bring the vertebrae into the correct position and restore the axis of the spine;
  • Enlarge the intervertebral space and release the squeezed blood vessels and roots. This allows you to normalize the functions of the internal systems of the body, especially the brain;
  • Relieve neck muscle spasm and stiffness, and reduce the intensity of pain;
  • Restore blood supply to tissues.
Spinal traction can help relieve neck pain

Physiotherapy for neck pain

The main goal of physical therapy procedures is to increase the effectiveness of the treatment measures implemented. They are only used outside the deterioration phase. Through professional physiotherapy methods, physiotherapy has significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and can also allow you to improve blood flow in the tissues and restore muscle tone.

In most cases, patients are advised to take courses that include 10-15 lessons. These include:

  • Ultrasonic method
  • Use laser radiation;
  • Constant current contact with the affected area and drug administration;
  • Shock wave therapy
  • Spinal traction
  • Mud treatment, etc.

The number of procedures and the frequency of execution are determined according to individual circumstances. The individual influencing methods can be carried out at the same time, and the rest must be carried out within the specified time interval.

Shockwave treatment of neck pain

The effect of shock wave therapy on neck pain

You should refuse any possibility of self-medication, because this will not only worsen your condition, but will also lead to irreversible consequences. For example, if your neck is painful from the bottom or nerves are compressed from the back, it is best to contact an experienced specialist in a validated clinic.

In a good clinic, modern and effective treatment methods are implemented, so every patient has the opportunity to normalize the neck condition without causing dangerous consequences to the body. Thanks to the use of innovative and efficient equipment, as well as the participation of top experts in medical procedures, you can achieve long-term and reliable results.

The implementation of shock wave therapy will enable you to quickly stop the pain syndrome, cope with the cause of the disease, and eliminate the possibility of complications in the bone tissue and muscle area. After the first exposure to the shock wave, you will be able to feel that your condition has improved significantly.

Exercise therapy relieves cervical spine muscle tension

Physiotherapy exercises for neck pain

If your neck is painful after sleep or when turning your head, a mandatory treatment phase and other methods are exercise therapy. Since the cause of cervical spine pain is usually excessive muscle tension and accompanying changes in vertebral degenerative dystrophy, exercise therapy should be carried out every day.

For each patient, a separate exercise treatment plan is prepared. In this case, the individual characteristics of the organism, the age factor, the severity of the disease, and the physical health of a person are all taken into consideration. It is mandatory for rehabilitation physicians to participate in the formulation of the above-mentioned plan. In this case, the patient must avoid overload and sudden movements.


In order to prevent neck pain, first of all, patients should pay attention to their workday arrangements. If his job involves staying in one position for a long time, then the prerequisite for staying healthy is regular gymnastics. Obesity is often the cause of cervical spine disease. This shows the need to introduce the right diet, go to the gym and exercise in the swimming pool. A special orthopedic mattress should be used when sleeping at night.